Thursday, July 11, 2013

An unconventional Back splash test for a Customer Requesting LG-40 TILE SET

Can I hang utensils from my Kitchen back splash?

How strong is LG-40 TILE SET

With any new technology, product, or material that comes on the market it takes time for people to truly understand what  it is, how it works, and how it has been tested. This customer was no different as she was concerned about hanging kitchen utensils from her back splash.

We thought about her concerns here at The Link Group and within a couple hours started testing in an unconventional way. 

Although most of our tests on LG-40 TILE SET are done in accordance with ANSI and ASTM methods sometimes you have to think how those tests are representative and how the material will perform in the field under various circumstances.

Having a deeper understanding from the customer,  provided us with a curious challenge that was a little unconventional, but fun.  This is a very rough, unfiltered, video, that was done in real time which the customer truly appreciated and addressed her concerns with our material.  
She also commented that she is glad her cooking utensils don't weigh that much!

Peel and Stick Adhesives for Tile applications is a relatively new  concept (with in the past 3 years) although The Link Group has been actively involved since the inception and testing since 2007.  If you are considering this application please call us as we strive to be the leader and industry expert in this segment.

We will be taking a deeper look into testing methods and comparison of LG-40 TILE SET Self Adhesive to Mortar and Mastic in subsequent blogs.

For more information about Peel and Stick, Self Adhesives for Tile Applications and LG-40 TILE SET Self Adhesive visit us at

Monday, June 3, 2013

What you should know about different Self Adhesive Tile Technologies

Does your Mosaic Tile Peel & Stick Self Adhesive Hold Water? 

This relatively new concept has gained much traction with not only DIY's, but with Professionals looking for a faster and cleaner way of installing small to mid size tile projects in one day.

Advantages of Peel and Stick Tile Adhesives.

Labor cost- is the primary driver when considering a Peel and Stick Tile Adhesive as they can be grouted immediately, but as tiles become thinner  this application method provides a significant advantage.  The issue with installing thinner tiles (4mm)  is that the mortar and or mastic placed with a notched trowel on the wall will ooze through the grout joints.   The result is additional mess as the installer must remove the material from the joints prior to applying the grout.

Color-has also been a barrier in the past as many installers were requesting White.  New Products such as LG-40 are available in both white or black for use with glass, stone, porcelain, mosaics, metal, and other types of tile.

Performance- Peel and Stick or Self Adhesives are available on a few technology platforms that should closely be reviewed for performance.  Older technology typically described as gray rubber base adhesives provide fair performance, but lack the strength for holding larger tiles greater than 6"x6".  New materials like LG-40 incorporate a closed cell  core structure that provide excellent initial tack and holding power for even 1/2" thick 12"x 12" marble.

Workability- Not all adhesives are that easy to install and special priming may be required.  Gray based adhesives like Bondera are well known for bonding well to substrate, but if a mistake is made they are impossible to remove resulting in drywall damage or replacement.  In addition they can leave an adhesive residue on cutting materials and tile that can only be removed with solvent based chemicals.
LG-40 helps address this issue as it is a true pressure sensitive adhesive designed specifically for tile that does not leave any gummy residue behind.

All projects have different requirements, but if you looking to install glass tile, mosaic wall tile, or a tile back splash you can feel confident with these newer higher performance Peel and Stick and Tile Self Adhesive materials.

For more information about The Link Group , LG-40 Peel and Stick Adhesive Membrane or this emerging Tile Adhesive segment please feel free to contact